dimanche 9 mai 2010

Lindsay Lohan needs a drinking spotter now

Lindsay Lohan apparently requires a bodyguard now whenever she goes drinking with her mom. Page Six reports:

Lohan popped into Las Palmas in Los Angeles for a birthday party for Katy Perry sidekick Markus Molinari with a 6-foot, 300-pound bouncer in a T-shirt that read, "Big Monster." "Wherever Lindsay went, he went," said a spy, who saw the bouncer get surly with a photographer trying to approach the starlet.
Mom Dina Lohan was also at the party, but evidently her parental guidance isn't enough to keep Lohan out of trouble.

It says something about Dina that even Lindsay Lohan recognizes a responsible adult better tag along when they're out together. The same Lindsay Lohan who, on her own, throws bottles of vodka at Samantha Ronson whenever she's not falling into shrubbery in front of the police. You'd think something like that might sober Dina up, but then again I'm using logic that hasn't been soaked in CC and tonics for the better part of a century.

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