samedi 8 mai 2010

That Hair

Xtina probably looked in the mirror today and saw Marilyn Monroe staring back at her. Some like it NO. That peroxide mop conjures up images of an Upper East Side widow whose dusty old wig is always crooked. You know that old ho. Her teeth have a permanent red lipstick skidmark on them, she's always wearing saggy pantyhose and she never picks up after her raggedy dog when it shits on the sidewalk. Ole' girl smells like Tosca powder, castor oil, ground up pills and cooking wine.

You know, since I put it THAT way maybe this really is the look. Carry on, Xtina.

In other non-news, here's Xtina performing the ho shit anthem of the summer on Oprah today. You might want to back your ears up, because girl is hollering like a hyena getting its asshole bleached with boric acid.

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